Through an intersectional framework that understands the unique offerings each individual can bring to the table, Francesca’s leadership provides empowerment and organization through shared resources and networking.

Leading by strong example and with the power of experience, Francesca Hong’s comprehension of systemic economic inequalities and historical divisions in our communities, partnered with her capacity to create strong dialogue, shapes her view of policy and her endless drive to stir institutional change.

  • Strong public schools make for strong communities. Wisconsin has defunded public education since 2008 and it is past time we fully fund our public schools so every student has the opportunity to thrive.

  • Infrastructure is not just roads and bridges. It's, affordable high quality childcare, care for aging adults and valuing dignity and rights for domestic workers. We should all care more about the care economy if we want to build a future that works for everyone.

  • No matter your zipcode, you have a right to economic security and when we build union power, we build power for all working families. Living wages, dignity at work and the right to collectively bargain and organize are key to improving working conditions for everyone.

  • Those supposed to protect us must be held to the highest standard, not the lowest. Police must serve the needs of all communities, which is why we need local control, not state fiats.

  • We must make sure to protect everyone's human dignity. From workers to our most forgotten- rural, LGBTQ+, Black, Brown, everyone must have their humanity respected and dignity upheld.

  • We can’t sell our natural habitats to the highest bidder and polluters. We also must invest in green industries, saving the future and providing jobs for Wisconsinites.

  • Democracy and your voting rights are under attack. Voting access, and democratic reforms such as rank-choice voting are what is needed.

Download the fully detailed and comprehensive 2024 Hong Campaign Platform.